
Prof. Kerri Kotta (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn)


Texture as a form in the music of Erkki-Sven Tüür


mgr Agata Krawczyk


Katedra Teorii Muzyki

Kerri Kotta (b. 1969) currently works as a professor of music theory at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT). In 1997, he received an MA in composition and, in 2004, a Ph.D. in musicology in EAMT. From 1994–2004, he taught at Tallinn University and, since 2004, at EAMT. Kerri Kotta’s research interests include Schenkerian analysis, theories of form, and Estonian music. He is editor-in-chief of the academic Eduard Tubin Complete Works edition and a member of the board of the interdisciplinary yearbook of the Estonian Musicological Society “Res Musica”. He is the chairman of the Estonian Musicological Society and the International Eduard Tubin Society.

The detailed CV of Kerri Kotta can be accessed in the Estonian Research Portal